Thursday, August 22, 2013

Keeping your head up, Mentally and Physically

No matter the situation, there is always something that will make you smile. That smile sparks a firestorm of emotions and sensations that radiate outwards in all aspects of your life and the lives of those around you.

"Anyone who has a continuous smile on his/hew face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening" - Greta Garbo  

Have you ever tried smiling at a stranger? you either get someone who gives you a dirty look and you know that they will then wonder for the next few minutes why you smiled and why they didn't smile back. Or you will receive a gift in return, another smile from a stranger. This is a gift that cant be monetized or returned, just know that the net happiness in the world increased at that moment and you took part in it.

If you are mentally in the game (life) everything else works out around you. Use the tips and tricks i have shared over the past months and change your world. Sell all the clutter, get rid of the people who bring you down and throw caution to the wind and do new things, meet new people.

Along with smiling to strangers, there is no better way to face an opponent then with a smile across your face. At first they will think your joking, but then they will start to get bothers deep down inside. And then they will be broken once they see that your serious and that the smile wasn't a joke. This also works for anyone that wants to see you unhappy; Smile until they no longer wish negative things towards you.

Today's workout is based of a classic Crossfit benchmark workout.

Barbara (5 rounds for time)
  • 20x pull ups
  • 30x Plyo push ups
  • 40x Decline sit ups
  • 50x Jumping air squats
Get after it! work hard and keep smiling. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Keeping Your Fitness In Check!

Being great at one thing doesn't quite justify as being "Fit" in my book. And i think a lot of professional athletes agree with me on this one. If you are a great football player, you have good strength, speed and endurance. If you play volleyball your skills are in agility, strength and the ability to jump higher than most people.

This trend of multifaceted ability stands true across the board. I am not going to say that any one skill is more important than any other. Use your time wisely in the gym and become a well rounded individual. If you stick to doing one thing, you will miss out on a world of opportunity in the fitness community.

Don't just run, or bike, or swim. Do them all in a rotation that keeps your body guessing on what is next in your training.

Put it this way, if you had advance knowledge that in 365 days you would be in a fight for your life. You don't know what your opponent will be, or what will be asked of you. The logical thing to do would be to increase your overall strength, endurance and speed. This should be your mindset every day because you never know if your life will be in danger or what you will have to do to survive.

Complete 5 rounds for time of:
  • Run 400m
  • 15x overhead squats (95#/65#) or 30x Air Squats 
Work hard and get fit

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Do something about it

Get ready for a hard week everyone. take today to prepare yourselves for the journey. 

- Mike

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Core Stability. Not just abs.


If you can do a movement sitting down OR standing, always pick standing. This added force you use do the movement and keep stable is a huge benefit to your core.

Also picking movements that are done over head, or force you to have a weight transfer from from your hands to your feet will help build the REAL core that you have wanted.

Some examples of these useful movements and weight transfers are hand stand pushups (see above picture), Olympic lifting, standing dumbbell curls and standing shoulder presses.

keep working hard everyone! here is a great upper body core workout for you.

Workout 8-1 
Complete 7 rounds of the following for time…
  • 7 x triple unders (21x double unders or 63 singles)
  • 7x chest to bar pull ups
  • 7x Power snatch (95#/65#)
  • 7x handstand push ups
If you need an alternate to these movements. post in the comments!
