Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Journal of a Personal Trainer: Time Can't Wasted

Doing nothing is the wrong concept. You never do nothing, because even when your body is still your mind is churning and processing information.
I have a strong dislike against "wasting time." I don't like myself when I spend time on nonsense. And so I fill all of my day with "constructive things." My walk to work is filled with podcasts, the time waiting for the food to bake filled with news articles. While eating I entertain myself with shows or Ted talks or whatnot.

The best decision I made in the last weeks was to stop most of that.

Aristotle recommended to take walks - especially while discussing with another person. And now, walking to work with just my mind and the scenery and passing people as company I feel more relaxed. I feel serene. I learn to understand myself better, just the way a meditation clears my mind.
I mentally plan my evening or reflect on the day - conflicts with the boss, troubles, things I achieved, things I learned. I finally notice the food I'm eating.
The list goes on. I'm not going to stop consuming information and I'm not going to stop using podcasts on some long walks - but I live more consciously, more aware, more relaxed. It's small changes and suddenly I'm happier and can handle stress better.
I think we all tend to drown our minds - emotions, thoughts, worries, little wins, conversations we had or want to have and much more - we drown all of it in manufactured emotions (reddit, games, tv, ...) and interesting, and valuable, but ultimately unnecessary information.

When you say "doing nothing" you confuse something. You are doing things all the time, your brain never takes a break. But when you "do nothing" you finally allow your brain to breathe and process all the things it needs and wants to process. I think all these modern diseases - sleeping problems, stress, depression, distractability, even obesity,... - they have a lot to do with the fact that we don't allow our brains anymore to breathe. We bombard them with stuff - either information or, worse, emotion - and in order to handle this stuff other important tasks - housekeeping tasks such as consolidating memories, reflecting about one's feelings and health and happiness, planning healthy food, considering how to bring up that issue with the boss - are drowned in a sea of emotion and information. They are drowned in a wonderful wealth of "stuff to process" that ultimately prevents our brains from ensuring their own - our - mental and physical health.
We are indoctrinated with an idea that time needs to be "spent". That's why you wonder what people do when they don't do all the things you do. I tell you what: they engage with others and, more importantly, with themselves. They learn who they are and what they value. Without any effort their minds plan the future and consolidate memories of the past.
That, I think, means to be truly alive. "The unexamined life is not worth living," said Socrates. The modern version is maybe this:

The person that lives solely in emotions and information from the outside, the person that never pulls itself out of this messy reality and gives itself over to a mental spa, a time of healing and processing, a time of reflecting, feeling, thinking, seeing, worrying, planning, smiling, that person doesn't live.

Take a walk. Leave the iPod and your phone at home. Find some trees or a place with a nice view. It's even okay if you just lie down on the couch or stand in the shower or sit at your desk, with your eyes looking past the screen. Just be you, for a moment. And then watch, carefully, without judgement, all those things that happen in your mind while you "do nothing."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sweater Weather is Coming. Harden the body underneath

        Around this time of the year, people tend to lose focus on what is important. Of course spending your time with your family is important, however, with this family time comes the massive family meals. Now is a good time to start practicing moderation and calorie counting if needed.

All it takes is a little focus to reach far beyond your goals.

      Take some time this holiday season to focus on yourself and find out what truly motivates you and where this motivation will take you in life. A little free time each day goes a long way over a lifetime. I want each and everyone of you to go to bed each night feeling stronger, accomplished, more knowledgeable, and with a better understanding of who YOU are. 

“If you conquer yourself, then you conquer the world”. ― Paulo Coelho

     You most likely won't be almighty dictator of the world, but you may have a better understanding on how to cope and influence your surroundings. And with the willingness to just go with the flow and live life to the fullest, the world will be yours. 

Workout 11-19    

Warm-up: 3 rounds – Run 200m, 15x KB swing + goblet squat, 9x strict pull ups. 

Strength: Bench press- 10 rounds, every minute on the minute, perform:
  • 3x bench press @ 60% 1 RM.
Stamina: 3 rounds, not timed: max rep x incline DB bench press (50#-80#/30#-60#), max rep x muscle up, 10x Turkish get up (35#/26#).

Work Capacity: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
  • Run 400m
  • 10x wallball (20#/14#)
  • max rep pull ups
Be sure to stretch out and eat a nutritious meal and drink plenty of water within 30minutes


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What the breaking point really means to me

Everything and everyone has a breaking point. Let's make that plain and clear right now. If you think you are immune to injury than you are only kidding yourself and setting yourself up for a huge defeat. Picking and choosing your battles isn't as important as it is to realize what is on the table and to minimize your loses.

I am competing in a 24 hour endurance event where i will cover upwards of 60 miles. Am i aiming to win? yes, of course i am. Am i okay with not being the fastest? yes, i am prepared to win the night miles challenge or the fastest lap challenge as well. Could i win all 3? it is possible, but i could also win just 1 of the events and i would still come out the other side of this challenge a stronger person.

This mindset applies more to my life than it does when relating to fitness. I am not one to have prized possessions, and if i do, i see them as broken right off the bat. Being able to see something as broken always me to cherish the object while it is whole and unbroken. When it does break i am not heartbroken, i enjoyed the object and it suited its purposes just as intended.

“You see this goblet?” asks Achaan Chaa, the Thai meditation master. “For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it; I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass on the shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, ‘Of course.’ When I understand that the glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious.”

Workout 9-24

5 reps - Toes 2 Bar (Knees 2 Elbows)
10 reps - Ball Slams (20# 10# Ball)
15 reps - Goblet Squats (18# or 35# KB)

2 Mile Recovery Run

Do this set as many times as possible in 3 minutes, Rest for 1 minute after. Repeat this for 5 rounds

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Keeping your head up, Mentally and Physically

No matter the situation, there is always something that will make you smile. That smile sparks a firestorm of emotions and sensations that radiate outwards in all aspects of your life and the lives of those around you.

"Anyone who has a continuous smile on his/hew face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening" - Greta Garbo  

Have you ever tried smiling at a stranger? you either get someone who gives you a dirty look and you know that they will then wonder for the next few minutes why you smiled and why they didn't smile back. Or you will receive a gift in return, another smile from a stranger. This is a gift that cant be monetized or returned, just know that the net happiness in the world increased at that moment and you took part in it.

If you are mentally in the game (life) everything else works out around you. Use the tips and tricks i have shared over the past months and change your world. Sell all the clutter, get rid of the people who bring you down and throw caution to the wind and do new things, meet new people.

Along with smiling to strangers, there is no better way to face an opponent then with a smile across your face. At first they will think your joking, but then they will start to get bothers deep down inside. And then they will be broken once they see that your serious and that the smile wasn't a joke. This also works for anyone that wants to see you unhappy; Smile until they no longer wish negative things towards you.

Today's workout is based of a classic Crossfit benchmark workout.

Barbara (5 rounds for time)
  • 20x pull ups
  • 30x Plyo push ups
  • 40x Decline sit ups
  • 50x Jumping air squats
Get after it! work hard and keep smiling. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Keeping Your Fitness In Check!

Being great at one thing doesn't quite justify as being "Fit" in my book. And i think a lot of professional athletes agree with me on this one. If you are a great football player, you have good strength, speed and endurance. If you play volleyball your skills are in agility, strength and the ability to jump higher than most people.

This trend of multifaceted ability stands true across the board. I am not going to say that any one skill is more important than any other. Use your time wisely in the gym and become a well rounded individual. If you stick to doing one thing, you will miss out on a world of opportunity in the fitness community.

Don't just run, or bike, or swim. Do them all in a rotation that keeps your body guessing on what is next in your training.

Put it this way, if you had advance knowledge that in 365 days you would be in a fight for your life. You don't know what your opponent will be, or what will be asked of you. The logical thing to do would be to increase your overall strength, endurance and speed. This should be your mindset every day because you never know if your life will be in danger or what you will have to do to survive.

Complete 5 rounds for time of:
  • Run 400m
  • 15x overhead squats (95#/65#) or 30x Air Squats 
Work hard and get fit

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Do something about it

Get ready for a hard week everyone. take today to prepare yourselves for the journey. 

- Mike

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Core Stability. Not just abs.


If you can do a movement sitting down OR standing, always pick standing. This added force you use do the movement and keep stable is a huge benefit to your core.

Also picking movements that are done over head, or force you to have a weight transfer from from your hands to your feet will help build the REAL core that you have wanted.

Some examples of these useful movements and weight transfers are hand stand pushups (see above picture), Olympic lifting, standing dumbbell curls and standing shoulder presses.

keep working hard everyone! here is a great upper body core workout for you.

Workout 8-1 
Complete 7 rounds of the following for time…
  • 7 x triple unders (21x double unders or 63 singles)
  • 7x chest to bar pull ups
  • 7x Power snatch (95#/65#)
  • 7x handstand push ups
If you need an alternate to these movements. post in the comments!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday Gym Tips (it is a numbers game)

Sick of using the same reps/sets/exercise patterns? well stop using them. Lets make things interesting by using some great techniques and creative thought to make your workout more interesting.

A majority of the fitness population have heard the same advice when it comes to strength training. 3 sets of (some amount of reps), why not 4 sets? why not 2 sets? Lets talk numbers.

Take a few minutes before lifting to figure out what area of your body you want to improve that day.

Get to the gym and warm up with body weight exercises and stretching (10 minutes).

Pick the major muscle groups you're going to be hitting and start warming them up with light sets of movements that work that specific muscle group. Doing these light sets are important and will reduce the possibility of injury.

Since you have hit the major muscles, your secondary muscles are now warmed up and ready to be focused on. since they will be partially fatigued at this point but still feeling ready for work, hit them hard. Drop sets/ ladders/ pyramids/ partial rep sets with light weight burn sets/ heavy low rep sets.

now that you have hit the major and minor muscle groups to be focused on. hit some of the weak points you missed, calves, forearms, core, lower back.

At this point you should be pretty well roasted and praying that it ends soon. This is the point where you can walk out, or keep going for that extra mile.. literally. Follow up your workout with intense cardio, (double unders, interval sprints, sprint a mile, high box jumps, tabata style interval training". 

Now that you have put in all the possible energy you could expend. Be sure to spend the next 30 minutes and eat and drink. Consume the amount of calories you need to replenish or eat slightly less if your looking to lose weight. Water is just as important and food, drink plenty of water to ensure you aren't dehydrated.

21 - 15 - 9 Reps

Wall Ball Throws ( 20#, scale down to jumping air squats)

Between each round, run 400m with wall ball, or 10# weight 

Go hit the gym!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

It is always a good time to get fit

          I don't want you to be concerned with getting a beach body. I don't want you to be looking to get fit for you 10 year high school reunion. It is time to get in shape for you and for the reason of you deserve to be happier.

         Everyone will find a weakness in their life that they can either face right then, or put it off for later. When that weakness is something to do with health, putting it off may be the worst option you could choose.

       You are stronger than you think you are. You just need to take some time and think about what your doing. Once you convince yourself that you can do it, you will. It won't be a quick process, over time you will struggle and need to be pushed but that is life. Keep up the hard work everyone. Get ready for a hard week of training! 

- Mike

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Total Strength

          What makes you physically strong? This is often a source of constant debate and there are many differing opinions as to what constitutes a strong person. That is because there are a number of different types of muscular strength.
What are the different qualities of muscular strength and what is best type to have? Or do we have to train in all aspects of the strength game. If so, what ratio between the different strength types should we aim for?

          In the late 19th and early 20th centuries the common measure of strength was a 200lb press overhead, these remember were the days before the squat and bench had come into existence. 

Relative Strength
Relative strength shifts the question from “How much can you bench?” to “How much do you weigh and how much can you bench?”
In the interests of not filling this article full of scientific jargon and technical malarkey, what is the best layman’s definition for relative strength? The easiest way to explain it is the ratio between the total weight being lifted and the total bodyweight of the lifter. The easiest example is a 200lb lifter bench pressing a 300lb barbell. In this case the ratio is 1.5, that is to say, the lifter is bench pressing 1.5 times their bodyweight.

Explosive Strength
Explosive strength is best explained by the Oxford Dictionary of Sport Science & Medicine. Their definition: “The ability to expend energy in one explosive act or in a series of strong sudden movements as in jumping, or projecting some object (e.g. a javelin) as far as possible.” So our bench press question becomes, "How fast can you push the bar from chest to lockout in the bench press"

Muscular endurance
In short, muscular endurance refers to the ability to sustain a number of muscular contractions over a sustained period of time. So to use the bench question again it shifts to, "What is the most amount of reps that you can bench for a set period of time?" or just "How many reps can you continuously bench?" Bodybuilders who utilize high volume, high rep training with reduced time between sets certainly have a certain amount of muscular endurance.
What aspect of physical strength should we focus on?
As old school trainers, relative strength should always be a primary focus. Depending on what aspect of the iron game you are focusing on, you need to balance out the other three types of strength accordingly. Most importantly do not ignore any of them to your peril. Old school muscle men essentially liked to take a generalist approach to strength and then developed a specialty interest within this. These days, trainees tend to specialize from the outset which leads to imbalances in overall physical strength.

 Workout 7-25 (The Test)
Run 1 mile
3 sets of pushups till failure
Max situps in 1 minute
run 1 mile
Max distance lunges in 1 minute
Wall walk ups
run 1 mile


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Personalizing Your Routine

          Sorry for this recent disappearance. I have been trying to make as much time as possible for clients and the gym so i can make my impact. I now have 9 full time clients and they are all making progress in what ever way that they were looking to make. But all of them are increasing their health.

        No routine will work for everyone, that is why a personal trainer is useful for helping create a workout built for you. I have a baseline routine i start people off on. It revolves around 3 days (upper, lower and total), but some people need more attention to certain points. Some of these special points of attention are agility, core, rehab and endurance. They don't need their own day, but touching on them more often than other things may sometimes be useful.

1) Find your weak points and work on them.

2) Use your strengths as a break from working hard on the weaknesses
    Ex: I have weak triceps but a strong chest. Hit your triceps and then do a chest exercise (which also works your triceps) to work on your weaknesses more than your strengths.

3) Push yourself harder than you think you can.

4) Don't let things get in the way of eating healthy and making time for the gym.

5) Ask for help if you are unsure of a movement, Also google is useful. I love when people ask me if their form is alright. It is a free 5minute PT session.

6) Someone in the gym knows more than you do. They are the ones to watch and learn from.

7) When creating your routine, always include a warm up exercise in the beginning, and a warm up set at the beginning of each muscle group.

8) Don't over-train a certain muscle group, or do to much of a single type of cardio.

Use any of that information if you find it useful. Even if you know about these things, it is good to hear it again from time to time.

Workout 7-23
With a 20 minute clock running
Jump rope 2 minutes 
perform as many push ups as possible until failure
(write down your # of pushups)
(start from the beginning again)

keep performing jump rope and max pushups until you run out of time. your score is the # of pushups you complete

You can do jumping jacks, Rowing machine, 2 minutes of running, 15 Double Unders as a sub for the jump rope. you can do pushups on your knees as a sub for standard pushups. 

Post your score in the comments.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Next Step, High Intensity Training (Turning Steal)

Do you know those exercises you hate to do? you should do more of those. 

Recently i was asked what the next step would be to see more gains. They had been seeing great results and they want to go further. This is a common question I hear quite often. As a personal trainer, my first response to someone would be to get some personal training with me of course. A personal trainer can restructure workouts and diet plans. There are a few tricks and tips i can share to help out the avid fitness buff looking to get more out of their workout.

Decrease your rest! Stop texting, facebooking, tweeting, and socializing in general. I understand that the gym is a great place to pick up girls or guy, but if a girl/guy sees you absolutely crushing a workout and focused, shoot them a smile. If all goes well they will slip you their phone number and leave it at that.

If you usually take a minute of rest between sets, take 45 seconds. If you aren't used to doing super-sets of multiple exercises, start incorporating them into your routine (back to back exercises with no rest).

Do core movements between other exercises to get your abs worked out while not spending more time in the gym. Doing this also keeps your heart rate up and you will get more out of your time in the gym.

Drop Sets are great for taking a good routine to the next level of training. Example: A set of hammer curls by itself can be a great exercise if you push yourself to keep good form and get enough reps and sets in. After you are about to fail with your set, pick up a lighter weight (5 - 10 pounds lighter) and do another set right away. and then take your rest. This can work for almost every exercise.

Diet is a big part of progress, if your trying to gain. Eating one more meal can make a big difference on how your body recovers and receives its energy. If you are trying to lose weight, tracking your calories and allocating calories per meal is an important way to make sure your not over eating on a meal to meal basis.

Hydration is something i assess with every client and anyone i give a fitness consultation too. It is just as important as whether or not they smoke or drink alcohol. Everyone can drink more water, even if its just a glass more per day.

Sleep is necessary for everyone in different ways. Getting enough sleep per night to rebuild and function is important for body builders. and maintaining a healthy sleep cycle is important for those trying to lose weight so they can get thru the day without napping and to keep a healthy metabolism.

Consistency is a defining mark of an individual looking to maximize their progress. 5 meals every day, enough water every day, working out on a regular basis and not eating the wrong foods on a weekly basis.

Once you have met most of these by yourself and you hit your next plateau is when you should consider getting a personal trainer. If you are unable to push yourself to achieve what was just laid out in this list, you should also get a personal trainer to push you to reach your goals.

Workout 7-10 (Turning Steal)
 5 Rounds of
Single Arm Flat Bench (12-15 reps on each side)
Rotating Shoulder press (12 - 15 reps)
Front plank (1 minute)

Drink some water

5 Rounds of
15 Walking Lunges (15 on each leg)
20m of max distance frog jumps
2 minute of Farmers carry (hold weight in right hand for one minute,
And then carry it for another minute in left hand)

5 minutes of continues ab work
If you can think of an ab exercise, 
do it until you cant anymore and then do the next one 
that comes to mind until the 5 minutes is up.

 - Mike

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Drop down and give me 1000! Setting goals, and reaching them.

When faced with an insurmountable task, how do you achieve victory? This is what people face on a daily basis when they set goals that "Seem" unreachable, but with the right mindset anything is possible.

"What I’d realized was that I had a “talent” and it was called working harder."

Training hard without consistency is nothing. Genetics without training hard is nothing. It all starts with consistency. Consistently outworking everybody else, that’s the trademark of a champion.
Make it your mission to work harder, more consistently but also smarter than the next guy. Before you know it, your genetics will have improved.

 Anything worth reaching is going to take hard work and time, are you committed?


Complete 5 rounds for time of:
  • 50x double unders (jump rope) OR 200 single unders (jump rope) OR 200 tuck jumps
  • 100m KB farmers carry (70#/53#) OR any thing heavy
  • 25x burpees OR 50 pushups & Jumping Jacks & mountain climbers
  • 200m run

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Supplement Sunday time with Mike

Let us sit down for a moment and talk about what vitamins and minerals you take into your body. Do you get everything you need daily from your diet? probably not... this is where the multi vitamin comes into play.

In the fitness world there is a problem with over complication. Muscle movements and routines are are confusing to the general gym base because of all the opinions floating around.  Supplements are infinitely more confusing unless you have a degree in nutrition/chemistry or pharmaceuticals. Even with those degrees i can't promise that you won't be overwhelmed with great PR and misleading statistics from the companies who have spent decades telling everyone that this one pill will make them ripped/skinny/strong.

This weeks topic is the multi-vitamin. I am starting with this one because i can recommend this one to anyone and everyone. weight loss, muscle growth, muscle/join rehab and over-all fitness can all be linked to having the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Now don't get what i am saying the wrong way, a vitamin wont solve all your problems, however, it will help you go in the right direction. Here is that tiny disclaimer at the bottom of every TV ad ever, "With proper exercise and nutrition, this vitamin will be the most useful".

Is there a difference between walmart brand vitamins and more expensive ones? It all depends on the active ingredients and how they are produced. instead of breaking down how vitamins have been synthesized in a lab and how the price of the product is reflective upon its marketing. Here is a list of 100 vitamins and their overall score. But don't just go by this list, i would pick a highly rated product and then crosscheck it with another website to make sure their isn't a bias on the one website!

Next weeks supplement will be Protein!

Today is a Rest Day in the Sisu Fitness World. But that doesn't mean you cant
make some gains. Get out and do some shopping to prepare your cupboards and
your refrigerator for when those food cravings kick in! If you have junk food 
sitting around in its easy to open and premade packaging, you will find yourself
grabbing a bite (or several bites) whenever you find it convenient.

Prepare some small healthy snacks around 250-500 calories to grab when those
mid morning/afternoon/evening cravings come on. 


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hydration, Hospital Room Realization

I am sitting in a Hospital room with my Mother who has just broken her back. However, the lady in the next room has a very bad cold she is having trouble recovering from. Two completely unlinked events but what is one of the main ways to treat both patients? Saline solution. Also known as salt water. This solution hydrates the body and allows the body to function the best it can. Anyone who comes into the ER will most likely be given an IV of this solution. 

But i feel fine, i don't need more water! Dehydration is a very serious deal. Dehydration results in a reduction of the volume of blood in your body and a thickening of the blood that puts a strain on your cardiovascular system, increasing your heart rate. It also results in an imbalance of electrolytes that control the functioning of cells, which can lead to seizures, involuntary muscle contractions and loss of consciousness. Symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, dizziness, extreme thirst, reduced urination, sunken eyes, low blood pressure, rapid breathing and confusion.

This becomes even more serious for athletes. Exercising while dehydrated causes micro traumas to the body and can cause your brain to swell. A study published in the October 2005 issue of the "Journal of Athletic Training" showed that muscle microdamage increased in individuals exercising while dehydrated in hot, humid conditions. Swelling of the brain can also result from exercising while dehydrated. While drinking water to replace fluids, the body's cells may take in the water too quickly. The cells can swell and rupture, including those in the brain, leading to a life-threatening situation"

So when the days get hot this summer and you want to stay in shape and enjoy the outdoors, make sure to drink your water, and lots of it. 

Its time to introduce Fluffies! 
This is a favorite core workout of mine.

There is three exercises you must complete to failure to do fluffies!
Tea cup holds (perform until failure)
6 Inch feet holds (perform until failure)
Feet elevated crunches (perform until failure)
As soon as you fail, switch right into the next movement! NO REST

Your feet should NEVER touch the ground thru this entire workout. i promise it will hurt, but will be
well worth it in the end.

- Mike

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Want To Be Heathy, But Won't Work For It

Being in good health is expected in our society.

We expect to do as we please and just avoid certain things and live our lives happily. It takes hard work and dedication in fitness and diet to almost promise a healthy life. But even then there is some things out of your control such as genetics and accidents. The things that can be controlled should be controlled daily.

Eating healthy, stay active and drinking water.

As a personal trainer i have clients from the age of 19 to 75. It is amazing to me to hear the stories of fitness and health from the 75 year old and try to apply it to the younger clients. But somethings from back in the day don't work anymore due to science proving them to be unhealthy. You have a chest cold? smoke a lucky strike!.

I wish i could help every single people that i come to, but i only have so many hours in a day. i love that i am getting booked up client wise, but i am always looking to help everyone (the reason for this blog), so please take any information and use it how you see fit. 

Workout (Body Armor) 

Body armor is a workout routine i designed for mixed martial arts and to keep your
upper body and core as strong as possible. building up muscle "Dense muscle" helps take
imparts from opponents and give you all around mid line strength.

Dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets of 6 - 8 reps)
Incline chest press (4 sets of 8 - 12 reps)
Flat flys ( 3 sets of 12 - 15 reps)
Roman chair crunches (3 sets till failure)
Russian twists (3 sets till failure)
Crunches (300 total, go until failure, take a deep breathe and go again)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Which Exercise is the Best?

Today while training i had a client ask me, "If i was asked to bench press a few months down the road, however, leading up to that day i don't have access to a bench press, would i be in trouble", great question. Lets break this down.

Flat Bench Press - moderate strength, moderate stability. As a movement it is a (no pun intended)  bench mark exercise. But could you go thru life never having access to a flat bench for bench press? Or  get everything you need out of a gym that doesn't have a bench press?

The answer is simply yes.

By breaking down the movement of the bench press and finding the strength and stability in other movement, you could become successful in achieving a decent bench press.

Smith Press - Using the smith press with a flat bench to achieve the movement of a bench press is strictly a strength movement and little to no stability. Remember that the bar is counter balanced and doesn't way 45 pounds by itself. Using this machine to train your chest for the strict movement of a bench press will have its benefits, but if faced with standard 45 pound bar that isn't restricted in its movement, you might find some issues with stability.

Machine Chest Press - The machine in the gym that you put the pin in the weight stack and continue until you can no longer lift anymore. This machine is a classic in a machine based gym. The movement isn't that natural and it won't prepare you by itself for a standard bench press.

Dumbbell Chest Presses -  You will find yourself doing this workout at some point and it will be harder that you think. You can no longer rely on a controlled weight stack or smith press. You now have to control the weight in the x,y and z axis with no assistance. But slowly but surely over the months you will find yourself putting up more and more weight. As you get stronger, without even knowing it, your shoulder stability and control of the weight becomes more and more efficient in the movement itself. But you won't get up the amount of weight you will find in a standard bench press.

Putting them all together. By using specific movements for their strongest traits, smith press for the movement, machine press for the strength, and dumbbells for its stability; you will be in good shape with enough training for any old school bench press. If you can do 70 pound dumbbell flat bench presses, you will be able to do 200 pounds or more on a flat bench.

Workout 6/21/2013

Walking lunges 20 lunges on each leg
rest 30 seconds
3 rounds
30 air squats
25 Max distance forward jumps
20 push ups
15 mountain climbers
10 burpees 
 rest 30 seconds
50 sit ups 


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Consistancy, not quick what you think. Caveman Style.

When i say consistency is key, my clients get it confused sometimes. 

Diet and fitness: keeping up with a healthy balanced diet every meal of every day is what makes the   biggest amount of improvement in how people look and feel. I do allow cheat meals, not because people need them, but because we are all human and we like to enjoy certain things, some of which might not be the best diet choice.

       -Earn your cheat days: Before major eating holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter) i like to host workouts where my clients/friends/family have a chance to earn their meal and help make up for the massive amount of calories about to be eaten.

However, consistency to me also means keeping in touch with our ancient background. If something has worked for humans for hundreds of thousands of years, don't change it. Caveman had to chase down their food, kill it, and carry it home. This is the core to my training. My diet also revolves around what was available to humans for the majority of time compared to the recent discoveries of farming and the industrialization of food production.

What is the best choice for footwear?

In a recent law suit, sketcher's shape ups have been sued for causing injury in the feet, knees and hips of wearers. The "Ground breaking" design of the semi circle arch causes stress fractures to bones and increases stress on joints and forces them to move in a way they aren't meant to move. They also have been proven to not cause anymore benefit to the body than regular walking. Source

Barefoot Running: I don't care if you have to wear those silly looking nylon shoes/socks that are banned by most military branches, these are a better option for you than any other footwear. Decreasing the padding underneath ones foot causes them to run the way the body is supposed too (lightly heal striking is okay). We are lucky and cursed to have shoes to protect our feet, but in the process we have become used to landing heavily on our heals which is not very efficient for us.

"most proponents add, because landing near the front of the foot will require less oxygen and effort and allow you to push harder at any given speed and ultimately run faster or longer."

Live like a caveman/cavewoman the best you can, from your diet and fitness to how you travel from point A to point B. 

Caveman Workout

LSD Run or Swim (Long Slow Distance, how far you can travel in 1 hours worth of time at a moderate pace). 

Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes
5 pullups (or jumping pullups)
10 pushups
15 Air Squats. 

Note*If you fail to compete a round when the minute ends, just start right into pullups for the next round. 

Bonus -  if you had to cut some of the sets short, just make up the reps you missed out on at the end. Great bonus right?? 

Personal Trainer Mike

Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting the Core You Want

Everyone wants to have a 6 pack or a toned midsection but don't know how to get there.

 It takes hard work but in ways that can be done without changing to much of what you do. Adding simple changes and adding increased focus during your workout will get you to where you want to be.

Step 1: Variation to the norm. Crunches and situps are a thing of the past; its time to learn some new twists (literally).

Use the pullup bar in your gym or a sturdy tree branch and do knees to elbows, toes to bar, knee raises. Adding in new movements causes your body to make new connections and adapt to the added stress.

Step 2: While workout, instead of taking that 30seconds - 1minute of rest, drop down and hold a plank for your rest period. or if you are using a flat bench, do some leg levers or flutter kicks. Decreasing rest keeps your heart rate up to increase fat burning and adding core movements between sets really add up for the amount of reps done. Added bonus of decreasing the time spent in the gym because of the time you aren't spending at the end of your workout just doing core.

Step 3: Increasing core stability. Certain movements can be done sitting can also be done standing for added benefit. If you are doing dumbbell shoulder presses sitting on a bench, Stand up! The weight being lifted has to now be balanced and controlled thruout your body which activates your core and mid line stability. To increase this effect even more, do single arm shoulder presses at a time. This causes you have to balance your upper body and to keep everything stable.

My goal is to not get you abs, it is to stabilize your mid section which helps you -
  • More functional workouts that translate into daily life activities
  • Improved performance in sports
  • Reduction in the risk of injury
  • Better ability to function each day
  • Interesting workouts that challenge you in new and different ways
 Workout: June 17th, 2013
Run 1 Mile 
30 push ups
30 sit ups
30 mountain climbers
Run 1 Mile


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fitness one step at a time. (From couch to Sisu Strength)

   A lot of people think of fitness as a destination and not the journey.
       With TV gimmicks like one pill a day and (30 Day, 60 Day, 90 Day) fitness plans, you would think people would ask; What do you do after the 90 Days? Rinse and repeat for the next 275 days of the year. This system of being unhealthy, getting "Fit", and then becoming unhealthy is a vicious cycle that is embraced by health marketers. 

Done with (any fitness DVD), start the next new BETTER one! or the old one again but with more intensity! 

Don't get me wrong, i love that people are trying to better their lives and take a step in the right direction. However, i want them to see these fad diets and workout plans as just that, a step and not the final destination. 

The ideal situation would be someone coming to me and telling me, "well i did this fitness dvd and it was good, but i don't know where to go from here". This is where a personal trainer gets to step in and show them alternative workouts and keep their intensity up.

Today's workout is the most important workout of the week

Go out grocery shopping with all the coupons you can find and i know there is a lot so no complaining that eating healthy is expensive if you just do some preparation. Get enough food to last you a week. Looking ahead to your week, determine if you have enough time in your day to prepare food at the time of you eating it, if not prepare your meals today. I usually prepare a few meals as a back up if something coming up.

The biggest set back i see for my clients and friends/family who are trying to get healthy is, "I ran out of time and grabbed what ever food i could while walking out the door". Well, you could prepare ahead of time to have a healthy substitute or even easier, don't buy and keep unhealthy food. Don't let your split second decision mess up your diet for the day, prepare for that moment of weakness and don't give yourself the option to grab something unhealthy. 

Here is a healthy option for a grab and go snack that you keep in your freezer to grab when you need it and prepare it when you have time! No Excuses! 

Mexican Paletas (Fruit Icepops)

And here is a simple recipe for a Paletas de Melon.

Go have a healthy day. Monday's post will be up first thing in the morning.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Handstand Pushups, Step by Step Instruction

Handstand pushups seem useless used just for showing off, but the movement is actually useful. It is a body weight movement you can do anywhere and works your shoulders, stabilization muscles, and core. There is a process to get to the handstand pushup but i will start with the simple pushup. Hands shoulder width apart, feet on the ground and just get very proficient in them. After many many pushups i suggest using a step up box and putting it under your feet so your feet are slightly elevated. Eventually increasing the height of the box until you can put your feet on a bench and do plenty of pushups. (See Picture Below)

As you increase the height of your feet you will also increase the amount of weight that is transferred to your hands also to work the muscles and develop the movement needed to get to the handstand pushup (or at least to the next step).

The next step is to walk your hands back towards the bench to get closer to the position your upper body will be in while in the handstand position. Practice this form of pushup while keeping your feet on the bench for stability. 

We are getting closer! while you are in the position, do nice controlled pushups. Get comfortable while being upside down and pause in different spots in the course of the pushup movement to build your confidence.

The next step is get in the normal pushup position with your feet flat against a wall and to walk your feet up the wall and to walk your hands backwards until your body is in a 45 degree angle. This may take some practice and you might want to remove your shoes if you care about your wall.

Put a mat under you so you feel safe from fall damage which may happen but you aren't going to fall to far. Practice walk ups and then walk back down the wall until you are back in the normal pushup position and Repeat! 

Keep building your strength control and confidence until you can walk up the wall far enough so that you are almost vertical and hold that position to get the feeling of a handstand hold (also a great workout in itself). While in this position lower your head onto a mat slowly, if you can't push back up, that's okay. keep practicing until you have the upper body strength to hold the handstand for 30 seconds and then slowly lower. 

After a while you will feel confident from all the practice and steps, and with someone present you can have them spot you so you feel safer from falling away from the wall!

The Final extra step!

Practice single arm dumbbell or kettlebell presses and holds. continue building up your strength and stability and eventually you can attempt single arm handstand holds and pushups!

Keep up the hard work and don't quit!

Strength: Physically Mentally

You are in the final portion of a grueling mid summer marathon, the last water station was a mile ago, but it seems like a marathon away in itself, and the finish lines seems twice the distance. You have ran this this distance a dozens of times in the past and thousands of times in your mind. You start to think one more step but each step seems harder and your becoming frustrated. Do you want to quit? you could walk off right now and no one would blame you, look how far you've gone and how great you did. You would probably get a pat on the back for the effort.

You Quit... and say yourself, i will do better next time. 

I am going to provide 5 stages of preparation that you can apply to anything, and will help you succeed in fitness, challenges and life in general.

Step 1: Being physically ready: If you were going to climb a mountain, would you use a stepper machine for the distance you would be doing to get to the top of the mountain? Or, would you climb smaller mountains to get used to the climb you will be facing in the future. This may seem intuitive, but the fact that you KNOW you can complete the task ahead of you due to training leads us to the next step.

Step 2: Mental readiness: I will start this off with a quote from a brilliant and amazing man. "Do not fear the man who practices 1000 different kicks but fear the man who practices the same one kick 1000 times." - Bruce Lee. Practicing what is ahead of many times mentally prepares you to be victorious in what ever you put your mind too.

Step 3: Controlling your Emotions: Don't let your emotions get in the way of victory. If you see someone running slightly faster than you and pass you while running. Do not try to match their pace, hold steady and keep a cool head. This applies to any competitive sport.

Step 4: Using your intuition: I face this anytime i am pushing my limits. While running a night time half marathon i started to feel a pain in my leg. From countless runs i knew that this pain is due to my form slipping into the undesirable area from fatigue. Change your stride and continue on and the pain will subside and you lose no time. compared to someone who will feel pain, won't know how to handle it and quit. This step is the hardest to grasp and takes plenty of time and training to conquer your predispositions.

Step 5: Putting your heart into it: When times get tough, and you know what has to be done. Use what ever strength you have left and get it done. Failure is always an option while training, however, failure in the line of battle is not an option. And if you don't feel like finishing the race, or going the extra distance while in a lifting competition because it might be hard. This means you failed yourself somewhere along the line of training.

Using these steps and the motivational advice from the previous post. Motivation Post . You are in the right step to controlling your life a bit more. Don't accept excuses anymore. The day i decide that it's okay to give up will be the day i am dead.


Pushups for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. Do this for 8 rounds. (4 minute workout)
Rest 1 minute
Situps for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. Do this for 8 rounds. 
Rest 1 minute
Air Squats for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. Do this for 8 rounds. 
This is known as a tabata and they are amazing. The workout will take you 14 minutes total (including built in rest), so be sure to give it your all.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fitness Motivation (Bonus Post)

"The end goal of fitness is to live a better, healthier life. "

The process to get there is long and drawn out with focus on diet, exercise, sleep and hydration. With each one of those topics a long process in itself. I find it easiest to take them all one by one and break them down until you no longer have to think about them individually. Exercise turns into a habit, diet turns into a life style, sleep comes easy and for enough hours, hydration turns into running to the bathroom because you forget just how much water you are drinking.

“Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.”

The start to this long journey is to get and stay motivated. There are many forms of motivation and more and more coming onto the market every year with the advent of technology. 

Self Motivation: Wanting to better yourself and using your will power to make it happen. This is the basic free package of motivation. This is the one that is tried and true and is for the strong willed individuals.

Forced Motivation: This is similar to self motivation except there is usually an ulterior motive for making a change. Whether it was out ancient ancestors having to become fit and stronger to find a mate or to survive; or modern day humans who have to make a change so they can manage their diabetes or have a minimized risk of injury, or other health related topics.

Point Based Motivation: a rather new form of motivation that comes from digital tracking of exercise and exertion. First Pedometers and now phone applications that tell you how many calories you have gone thru in a workout. A great tool to have at your disposal whether its for losing weight, or tracking how many calories you need to take in to gain weight (healthy weight).

Short Term Psychological Motivation: Looking at motivational pictures, videos, quotes and stories. These will only effect you for about 5 minutes before your mind becomes focused on something else. However, if seeing a motivation picture gets you out of your seat and in the mindset to work out, keep doing it!

      - Long Term: Take a motivational source and hanging it on your wall, keep it ask your background on your phone, computer, putting that picture of the goal you want on the mirror in your bathroom or on a sticky note on your wall and dont take it down until its reached.
Ex: I used to have a sticky note with a big 300 on my wall until i had reached the 300 pound bench press goal that i set for myself.

Use what ever technique you need to get yourself headed into the right direction. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.


50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Mountain Climbers

(50 reps of each movement, and then 40 reps of each movement)

Rest 5 minutes, Run 2 miles at a moderate pace.

Monday, June 10, 2013

No Excuse Arms and Shoulder Workout

I always put shoulders into the mix when it comes to upper body workouts. Whether it is chest/back or arms, because one way or another shoulders are being worked. This is going to be another post for anyone who does not have access to a fitness facility. This workout can be done anywhere, but i would suggest doing these workouts outside and get some fresh air and some Vitamin D from the sun.

Shoulders - Raises: if you have resistance bands, use them here; or you can use any household object that has some weight to it (get creative ex, Brick, rock, metal pole). I want you to use the one of the rules for weight lifting to make gains, this one being exhaustion from reps rather than weight. holding onto a brick with one arm, raise your arm until the brick is right in front of you, and then slowly lower it back down until your arm is just about at your side and then repeat. Nice slow reps with control and confidence.
        You can do this same movement for side raises.
Reps of 20-30 on each side, scale accordingly with weight you are using. If you find yourself having to swing your arm to get to the next rep, STOP! bad form is not tolerated. and then do two additional sets, keeping good form in mind.

TIP 1: Always start with your dominate side because it is stronger. what ever number you get, you better damn well push it to get the same number on your weaker side.

Box Assisted Handstand Pushups:

These are easier than you think, and easy way to start out is to have your feet on an elevated surface in the position of a normal pushup. Slowly walk your hands back until you are in the position seen in the picture above, or as far as you feel confident in going, (you are stronger than you think, i promise). I want you to do 3 sets of 10, after the 10th rep, take your feet off the box and get into normal pushup form and do pushups until you can't lift your chest off the ground again with good form.

TIP 2: Be sure to stretch out after each set or workout, the more stretching the better, even flex the muscle group you are working to regain blood flow to the area.

Arms - For biceps we are going prison style for training, (Don't ask me why i know this). Pick up your school bag that is gathering dust in the corner since it is summer time, and fill it with any heavy objects you can find. I don't care how heavy the bag is as long as it makes you work hard.

Gripping onto the handle or strap, do bicep curls while standing up, one arm at a time. do not let your arm full extend at the bottom of the rep, and don't let your arm totally curl at the top (this keeps your bicep activated and working the whole time).

You can do this same movement as a reverse curl by simply reversing your grip. See Picture Below

Warm up with a moderately heavy bag, and add weight until you can only get 6-8 really difficult but doable reps, and then take out weight and go again (no rest) and then take out some weight and do it again. Switch arms are repeat. Follow this up by doing 12 reps with a decently heavy weight for 2 more sets. You can do this same pattern for both normal and reverse curls.

Pullups: Find a sturdy branch or ledge and do pullups or jumping pullups. Do them until you cant anymore, simple as that.

Triceps - Diamond pushups, With your hands on the ground in pushup form, except you are going to bring your hands together so that your hands form a diamond with your thumbs and pointer fingers.
3 sets of 20reps, if you fail, shake your arms out and then go right back into it until you get to 20reps, rest 1-2minutes and repeat.

Assisted Dips: Sit on the edge of a bench or sturdy chair. put your hands on the edge of the chair and support yourself on only your arms so you can move your butt off the edge of the bench/chair and using your feet to just keep you balanced. If this is to easy, you can use another elevated surface to put your feet up on so all the work your doing is going mostly to your arms.
4 or 5 sets, rep wise everyone will be different, do them until you are about to fail, but push it really hard.

No gym, No problem. Fitness Everywhere.

Monday, June 3, 2013

No Excuse Legs and Core Workout

One of my favorite combination  to work together during a session at the gym. Mainly because you cant do one without working the other in some way. However, there are ways to benefit from this and also ways to separate and focus what is being worked.

No Excuse Leg Workout
Simple exercises that can be done anywhere with no equipment for legs all revolve around the squat and leg raises (also an ab workout). A few variants of the squat. 

Air Squat:  With no weight, simple squat down so your upper legs break parallel. Stand back up and repeat. be sure to do this slowly and controlled.
       - Goblet Squats: Same movement as the air squat except hold onto something in front of you (Anything heavy will add resistance). 

       - While in the lowered air squat position, shuffle yourself to the left and right without standing back up.

       - Jumping Air Squats:  Exactly how it sounds, While going back up the standing positions, stand up faster than normal and jump into the air.

       - Frog Leeps: Same movement as jumping air squats, except in the movement of jumping, launch yourself forward. Upon landing, continue the air squat movement and back into a deep air squat.

Since there is little to no weight added for these movement, do them for a considerable amount of reps. anywhere between 20 - 40 Reps. And for a few sets.

Example - 30 reps of Air Squats right into 30 reps of Frog Leeps.
                  Rest 30 Seconds
                  20 reps of Air Squats right into 20 reps of Frog Leeps.
                  Rest 30 Seconds
                  10 reps of Air Squats right into 10 reps of Frog Leeps.
                  Followed by a set of Crunches until you cant do anymore, Push It!!

No Excuse Ab Workout

There are a dozen or so muscles that make up the core of a persons body. Hitting all of them is what gives someone that well defined, strong core. Not abs, but core. I stress this because someones 6 pack isn't going to keep them from pulling a muscle or resisting injury from sports/exercise. We will start with the deep (internal) core muscles and work our way out to the muscles everyone likes to show off (me included), but hard work and determination all year and a healthy diet allow these muscles to show. 

Planks: Front Planks/Side Planks, I believe we all have done them either in high school gym class or because we saw someone doing them and they looked like they might be useful. My motto with training myself and others is, "Your brain stops you from reaching your full potential", your body can be pushed harder than you think it can be. Scientifically your brain stops you because your afraid of pushing it to hard. Yes there is a fine line between a lot of work, and over working to injury. 

6 Inches: Laying on the ground and holding your heels just 6 inches above the ground, For an added bonus workout, do this exercise on a flat bench or other raised flat surface and hold your legs in the 6 inches position, this way, as you fail and your legs fall; they will still continue to be working as your legs fall below the parallel position since your legs will be off the ground from the start.

Flutter Kicks: Same as 6 inches except alternate flutter kick your legs. 

Leg Levers: Again, similar to 6 inches except alternate the height of your feet between 6 inches and a foot off the ground. 

Normal Crunches/ Side Crunches: exactly how it sounds. 

Toe Touches: while laying flat on your back, point your legs straight up in the air, attempt to touch your toes with your hands and crunch up to get even closer to reaching. 

There are plenty of other exercises i use with my clients, but i would be giving away all my secrets for free! i cant have that now or else i would be out of a job. 

Work hard, and then work harder

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Consistancy > All other gym advice.

The fitness world is full of people talking up routines, diets, equipment, exercises, timing, attitude, etc. Shut the fuck up, go to the gym, and put some fucking work in. Nothing else is that important, and perfection in every other area will amount to fuck all if you leave out the consistent effort piece.

You can't out exercise a bad diet. you must eat consistently healthy food over the course of a week/month. You are allowed to eat something that isn't "Healthy" every now and then, but rarely.

Combining training and diet will lead to success in the fitness world 100% of the time. Is it hard work? yeah of course it is, but is it doable? absolutely.

"The death bed is coming for each and every one of us. Why waste any time doing things that will accelerate the process"

Today's Workout from

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. 20 minutes of grinder PT.

Endurance: LSD run, ruck or swim.

Benchmark WOD: “Helen”. Complete 3 rounds for time:
  • Run 400m
  • 21x KB swings (53#/35#)
  • 12x pull ups

Stay Strong, See you tomorrow - Mike 

Monday, May 6, 2013

SISU: Why this word matters.

Sisu is a Finnish term loosely translated into English as strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity. However, the word is widely considered to lack a proper translation into any other language. Sisu has been described as being integral to understanding Finnish culture. However sisu is defined by a long-term element in it; it is not momentary courage but the ability to sustain an action against the odds. Deciding on a course of action and then sticking to that decision against repeated failures is sisu. It is similar to equanimity, except the forbearance of sisu has a grimmer quality of stress management than the latter. The noun sisu is related to the adjective sisukas, one having the quality of sisu.

Fitness needs this word, athletes need to understand that this is the core to all training. 

Today's Workout

Baseline: Pre-SOP and Box Breathing, then ROM Drills.  Row 500m, 15x push ups + 15x clapping push ups, row 500m, 15x air squats + 15x jumping squats.

Work Capacity: Complete the following for time:
  • 50x medball cleans (20#/12#)
  • 5x rope climb
  • 40x medball cleans (20#/12#)
  • 4x rope climb
  • 30x medball cleans (20#/12#)
  • 3x rope climb
  • 20x medball cleans (20#/12#)
  • 2x rope climb
  • 10x medball cleans (20#/12#)
  • 1x rope climb
Strength: Strict press – 65%x10 reps, 70%x10 reps, 75%x8 reps, 80%x6 reps.

Stamina: Chipper, not timed: 50x strict press @ 65#-95#/35#-55#, 75x supine ring rows, 800m walking lunge.

Durability: 6x200m sprints (:45 second interval). 100x 4-count flutter kicks, 100x good morning darlings. Warrior yoga or Active Stretch.  Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.  Journal post training session SOP.